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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

..I Love My Country...And I Love Rock And Roll...

...You can tell me this way..." are going no where with your interest in music..."

...And my answer...."Yes you are absolutely right...I am not going anywhere and don't wanna go anywhere with all that stuff...Well you know nothing wrong with it anyway...In fact l love my hometown,l love my country..I proud to be Malaysian...And I love Rock And Roll...No doubt!! You see what I mean?!...:0)


Adi Herman said...

some people just want to find your mistakes even though they themselves make tremendous amount of errors

Rafi said...

And people who say like that is always 'Malaysian'..hehe

berteromber said...

rock sampai tua...heheh

deaf-angel said...

We must be proud of who we are, where we come from, our upbringing.

Ra1m1 said...

Don't treat on me... live free or die!

WanBeruas said...

..Thanks bro! You know who you are...

WanBeruas said...
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